Resource Roundup: Accelerating Your Re-housing Strategy

August 25, 2020

In the midst of th e COVID epidemic , communities must move quickly to re-house individuals and families experiencing homelessness by creating clear pathways to housing. Th is growing list of HUD resources can help . To receive additional resources as they are released, sign up for the HUD Exchange .

Rehousing Activation: Planning and Implementa t io n Tips provides four key frameworks to begin strategically planning, dedicating, and implementing your resources. (4 pages)

Rehousing Activation a nd Racial Eq u ity provides a quick framework to examine the impact of rehousing decisions, policies, programs, and practices on racial equity . (3 pages)

Targeted Rehousing S t rategy Overview provides a graphical overview of the steps to plan and implement a rehousing strategy. (1 page)

Planning a Housing Surge to Accelerate Rehousing Efforts in Res p onse to COVID-19 reviews 6 steps to creating and implementing a housing surge in a COVID-19 environment. (8 pages)

Special Population Rehousing Strategy: Family Violence provides considerations for planning and implementation of rehousing for survivors of family violence. (3 pages)

Special Population Rehousing Strategy: Youth an d Yo u ng Adults provides considerations for planning and implementation of rehousing for youth and young adults . (4 pages)

High Acuity: Transition from Short-term to Long-te r m Su b sidy provides tips for case managers when helping program participants consider transitions from rapid rehousing to a longer - term subsidy on a path to housing stability. (2 pages)

Disaster Response Rehousing: A Re s ource Navigator provides a host of different re sources in an interactive format to helps communities develop and implement rehousing strategies in their homeless ness response systems .

Rehousing Strategy in the Midst of COVID-19 webinar discuss es how to pivot from a disaster response to a coordinated rehousing strategy during COVID-19.

Targeting Homeless Prevention in the Mid s t of COVID-19 webinar discusses the elements of a successful prevention strategy and how it supports an overall rehousing strategy .

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