Deepening Our Understanding of Home, Together

February 14, 2019

For the past six months, our National Initiatives Team has fanned out across the country—sitting down with communities from Anchorage to Miami and many, many places in between—to discuss the goals and objectives in Home, Together , our new federal strategic plan.

We’ve valued those conversations and learned so much from you about the strengths and challenges that each of your communities brings to the effort to end homelessness.  And we’d like to keep the conversation going.

We will continue to work directly with states and communities to implement the plan. To better support people across the country to apply its strategies within their communities, we are also going to spend the next 8 months walking through the objectives one by one in our newsletter and on social media. We’ll talk about the intentions behind each objective and what resources exist to help you put them into practice. And we’ll fill in some gaps with new resources.

This month, we’ll be exploring some of the foundational concepts within Home, Together . Then next month, we’ll focus on Objective 1.1: Collaboratively Build Lasting Systems that End Homelessness.

We hope you’ll join in the conversation, both by engaging with us on Facebook and Twitter, and by reaching out to us with your questions and comments at . Learning from each other is how we’ll ensure that every community has a robust system that prevents homelessness whenever possible and, if it can’t be prevented, makes sure it is a rare, brief, and one-time experience.

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